Aktuelle Themen Operations Research & Management

ModuleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Introduction to Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Decentralized Finance [Current Topic]Seminar5520266Mo 08:30-18:00 C102 (3010|102) (×1)
Mo 10:30-18:00 C102 (3010|102) (×1)
Di 08:30-12:00 C102 (3010|102) (×1)
Di 08:30-12:30 C102 (3010|102) (×1)
Mi 08:30-14:30 B201 (3011|201) (×1)
Do 08:30-14:30 HKW 4 (1132|503) (×1)
Fr 10:30-18:00 B201 (3011|201) (×1)
Meet the Circular Economy - Nachhaltige Innovation in der Praxis [Aktuelles Thema]Fach-/Modulprüfung5503073
Vorlesung/Übung499998Mo 16:00-19:00 TEMP1 (1515|001) (×6)
Mo 16:15-19:15 TEMP1 (1515|001) (×1)
Mi 10:00-11:30 MetP11 (2181|102) (×8)
Fr 10:00-15:00 TEMP2 (1515|002) (×1)